About the Westside Project

Over the past century, Vernon’s economy has gradually evolved from agricultural to heavy industrial to the current mix of manufacturing and warehousing.  As the pace of economic change in Southern California accelerates in the years ahead, Vernon will continue to evolve in a manner which is not yet fully understood.  The City of Vernon does not wish to leave this evolution to chance, but rather seeks to purposely direct it in a manner which will maintain its regional competitive advantage as a center of production, and create a more prosperous, diversified and resilient community with a strong positive identity. In support of this goal, the City will consider the addition of urban multifamily residential and mixed-use development, as well as other non-industrial uses, to the current largely industrial community.

The West Side of Vernon, with its present mixture of land uses, parcel sizes, and building configurations, together with its proximity to the Arts District in the City of Los Angeles, provides the first opportunity for creative new development and adaptive reuse.  The Westside Project will create a vision for this area and establish the framework for its gradual evolution to fulfill that vision.  The plan will set new zoning and development standards (through a zoning amendment) governing what can be developed in different portions of the West Side, and provide an implementation strategy describing catalytic projects, infrastructure improvements and financing mechanisms.


Benefits of the plan are anticipated to include:

  • Increased economic opportunity for property and business owners through the facilitation of  potential new industries and uses

  • Increased amenities for residents and employees of the area

  • Predictable rules governing new development and protecting existing businesses

  • Long-term stability and strengthening of the City’s fiscal position, service provision and independent, stable governance

  • Greater resilience to future economic shifts, natural shocks and climate change